Designer fashions, celebrity smut & dating diaries

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

More shopping adventures...

" Carrie.....I get a kick out of reading your msn names and your shopping adventures.....keep it up chaquita!" - Judy

hehe Thx Judy ;)

Well, I promised myself that I would work out as soon as I got home tonight (in return for treating myself to a shopping spree), but here I am writing this blog instead...At least my pocketbook got a good workout. ;) But hey! As Carrie Bradshaw once said, shopping is my cardio! ;) And my mother always says that shopping could be an olympic sport...Well in that case, I must be a pro athlete. ;) What can I say? I've learned from the best!

I think I've been reading too many Shopaholic books and watching too many episodes of "Sex in the City" lately, because I can't seem to stop spending. It's become an addiction. I mean, is it a bad sign when the male staff at Guess start greeting you by saying, "Here comes trouble"??

I'm starting to get excited though, because boot season is practically upon us! *squeals of delight* As much as I'll miss these lazy summer days, I'm looking forward to a pair of knee-high chocolate brown suede boots and matching jacket. Guess is already starting to get some of their fall collection in. Just tonight I bought a gorgeous silvery dark denim jacket and matching knee-length skirt with a slit in the front and back. It's a little risque, but I love it nonetheless! ;) I also bought an army green cotton zip-up sweater. But I didn't stop there (No self-respecting shopaholic would. I have a reputation to uphold ;)). I went on to buy a pair of black leather Steve Madden stiletto-heeled pointed-toed pumps and a pair of Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses. *drool* Oh, and then I needed a hair straightener for my unruly hair...See? Some of my purchases were essential. :) Rum is essential, right? The guys at Guess wanted me to have a drink with them...They were so cute that I almost did. ;)

But now all I can say is...somebody please confiscate my credit card...No wait, don't. I'm having too much fun. ;)


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