Designer fashions, celebrity smut & dating diaries

Friday, August 11, 2006

My favourite girls from Sex in the City have once again inspired me...

While I was avidly "window shopping" online, I noticed that Pier 1 has a bridal registry, which got me to thinking how exciting it would be to have one of my own...Sadly, I'm not planning on getting married anytime soon (Of course I'm more disappointed about not having a bridal registry than not having a boyfriend).

But then I remembered Samantha Jones' "I'm not having a baby (Everybody drink!)" party that she threw for herself in Season 1, and I imagined how fun it would be to have an "I'm not getting married (Cheers to that!)" party (or an "I'm single and fabulous" party, if you will ;))!

At a time when so many of my friends seem to be pairing off and getting married, why not celebrate being unattached and independent? We could even create our own bridal registries (online using fake names, of course) & then draw names out of a hat to choose who will buy for who...kind of like a Secret Santa. In fact, this party would be perfect to host around Christmas time!

It may sound silly, but if Carrie Bradshaw can register herself for a pair of Manolos to replace the ones that were stolen at her friend's party, then anything goes! ;)


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